Carleen MacKay, Subject Matter Expert, Mature Workforce
"Seeing and synthesizing pieces of the big picture, such as demonstrated in these presentations, is the 'front end' of planning and implementing business change that works." .Carleen MacKay on making the business case for leveraging the talent of the mature workforce.
2007's most widely requested presentation examines the global challenges faced by the aging of developed nations, the initiatives of U.S. organizations and the needs of the maturing population itself. It makes the business case that failure to effectively utilize the workplace experience and talent of this generation is to risk economic and societal collapse at previously unimagined levels.
Read what one client wrote about Carleen's ability to grab and hold an audience's rapt attention: "Presenting a dynamite program, MacKay delighted and enthralled more than 700 employers, educators and mature workers who attended the event. MacKay mesmerized the audience with her firm command of solid data delivered with an energetic style and keen sense of humor." (San Diego County on Aging)
Recommended for: Presentations to senior level human resource or training and development practitioners, labor attorneys, diversity leaders, professional organizations and/or leaders of firms in any sector of American business. Presented in all delivery platforms - as a webcast, through interactive media and live. The time commitment is 1 ½ hours.
The New 3 R's, a Learning Series - Recruiting, Re-developing and Retaining America's Mature Workforce.
#1 - Recruiting the Mature Workforce: There exists a fierce urgency in a new America where 4 generations now share the workplace. What is this urgency? There are simply not enough people in the next generation to fill the millions of jobs American business needs to fill. A key part of the answer to meeting these needs is found in the effective utilization of the mature workforce.
This presentation explores the opportunities and challenges associated with attracting and engaging the mature workforce as employees, or as contributors in a variety of roles; it challenges the myths and biases associated with older workers' productivity and ability to contribute; it offers targeted sourcing strategies and suggested relationships with new outsourced 3rd party firms that specialize in attracting or placing mature workers.
#2 - Re-developing the Mature Workforce: When your organization needs to re-deploy experienced workers to other areas of your business; when you wish to help mature workers focus their contributions using their established unique and specialized experience; when you seek to encourage workers to "fill in the missing gaps" in their current portfolio; and, when you choose to prepare mature workers for their transitions out of your workplace during phased or early retirement; this presentation makes the business case for re-development as a business strategy.
#3 - Retaining the Mature Workforce: Boomers make up 46% of today's workforce and when you add the slightly older traditionalists, today's workforce is made up of well over 50% mature workers. Retention is today's challenge. Two sets of facts shape your company's employment picture:
When you successfully address these facts, you may find that retention is your most cost effective recruiting strategy because, in America today, two workers are leaving the workforce for every one entering. This presentation addresses ways to hold onto your experienced people. It explores your best strategies in line with their values, their work ethics and their contributions. When your needs and theirs are aligned - everyone wins. We will show you what they want and how to achieve this alignment to meet your needs.
The series is recommended for: Presentations to workforce planning experts, labor attorneys, senior human resource and learning & development practitioners, diversity leaders and professional organizations. Each offering in the one-and-a-half hour learning series may be "de-linked" and presented separately in all delivery platforms. The combined series may be offered as a comprehensive, and all-inclusive, "live" 1-day learning opportunity.
"When creativity meets the test of careful analysis, expect measurable success" .Carleen MacKay on her method for choosing and developing new business services that matter.
Demographic Analysis
Understanding changing demographics is the baseline for establishing workforce strategies for U.S. businesses that face the shortage of millions of workers due to the maturing of the baby-boomer generation. We analyze demographics in target communities and recommend actions for employers to take in order to offset the increased costs of turnover and of recruiting a younger workforce that is not sizable enough to meet future workforce needs.
Based, in part, on studies such as the Boston College Center on Aging and Work's recent survey of 578 organizations in various industries in the U.S., in which it was found that only 33% of employers had analyzed workplace demographics on their own, demographic analysis is the bridge that spans the chasm between awareness and effective action.
Read what one Regional Sales Director at Spherion said about the demographic study prepared for her region:
"The demographic study was an important differentiator that we credit as helping us to land a highly sought after sale with an important prospect. It clearly signaled to the buyer that we had done our homework and understood the challenges of recruiting in this new world of work."
Suitable for:
Business leaders and marketing and sales strategists responsible for workforce planning and large-scale sales. Communities of 100,000 or more (city + countywide populations)
Curriculum Development - Customizable e-learning design
A pioneer in the e-learning field, Carleen designs and develops e-learning curriculum for organizations and for individuals
Read what one colleague wrote about her ability to develop targeted curriculum on behalf of the mature workforce.
"Carleen revolutionized our thinking about the importance of adding new e-learning experiences to our career management services. Then, she went out and researched and designed these new services for us. Not only that, she has proven to be one of our best facilitators of this new type of learning. She does it all!"
Recruiting, Development and Retention Strategist on behalf of the American Workplace and Maturing Workforce
Across the nation, on stage, in print and on behalf of America’s smallest or largest firms and the maturing population themselves, Carleen MacKay inspires individuals and organizational leaders to understand the competitive advantages an experienced workforce offers the American workplace. She is one a very few experts in the U.S. whose work life is specialized in this area. Carleen is, as one client refers to her, the “Poster Child for the 50+ Workforce.”
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