Business Protocol

Business Protocol


Event Overview

The great  playwright and essayist Oscar Wilde said, “The world was my oyster.  But I used the wrong fork!”  Do  we even know how many times we’ve left  a bad impression with someone because we don’t  know the  commonly-accepted “rules of etiquette”? Some people call  it common sense  but the problem with common sense is that we all have a different definition of  what that means.  Don’t make another  misstep.  Learn what business etiquette  experts along with top business executives recommend as the way to conduct  yourself at work:  with your boss,  co-workers, and clients or customers.  This  fun, interactive quiz-based event helps you learn the right way to handle difficult  situations, while leaving a positive, professional impression with others.

Who Should Attend this Event:

People who  interact with others in the workplace and want to ensure that they’re putting  their best foot forward with every interaction.

Event Outcomes

Participants of  this event will leave with:

  • A deeper understanding of the importance of  being on time and how to using waiting time as a tool
  • Appreciation of how to be efficient with one’s  own time and with others’ time
  • Knowledge about the appropriate time, place, and  manner in which to discuss business and discuss other business colleagues
  • Suggestions for utilizing the telephone and voice  mail as effective business tools
  • Tips for using email to the best advantage and a  knowledge of common traps to avoid
  • Confidence about how to behave when you're entertaining clients and colleagues, whether it is at a restaurant or at an  industry social event

Event Length

This event runs one hour.


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