Building Community at Work

Building Community at Work

This multi-day program strengthens your organization's ability to build and maintain positive working relationships between and among all levels of stakeholders at work. The program uses presentation, interactive, peer teaching, and strategic assessment activities to help you understand industry hallmarks, assess current opportunities and challenges, and engage in the development of effective practices and benchmarks unique to your organization. Participants will:

  • engage in mission vision-assessment-planning and operationalization
  • servant leadership skill development
  • opportunity and challenge assessment
  • address cultural issues and capitalize on culture at work
  • analyze key systems and drivers for maintaining employee buy-in
  • learn how to develop relationships and assess quality-of-life   issues at work
  • enhance group work attitude, behaviors, boundaries and personalities
  • handle conflict more effectively by helping people realize   the inherent opportunities it brings
  • engage in strategic planning to operationalize all of the   above

This is a 3-4 day program that is designed to generate holistic results that impact every stakeholder within an organization. Its interactive structure makes it a value-added dimension of any strategic planning process that an organization might be undertaking in the near future.


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Nationally acclaimed speaker

International bestselling author Jeff Wolf is now available for your next meeting, conference or convention to provide a high-energy presentation filled with strategies and techniques attendees can immediately apply to improve their skills.