Leadership: Strategic Growth in Crazy Times

Leadership: Strategic Growth in Crazy Times


Every leader knows planning and execution is critical to success. Hear ways to make critical thinking and results measurable. From traditional to new methods of planning, this program cuts through the theory and gets to what really works. Use The REACH Development Model ©, developed in 1997 to visually approach a step-by-step process of developing an individualized plan to thrive.

Whether you are experiencing growth, stagnation, or decline, design a plan that fits your stage in the enterprise lifecycle.


  • Recognize the profile of an effective planning team.
  • Learn how to turn pretty words into real results.
  • Learn how to recognize organizational and personnel barriers.


Owner, Executive, Administrator

Your facilitator: Vince Crew


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Nationally acclaimed speaker

International bestselling author Jeff Wolf is now available for your next meeting, conference or convention to provide a high-energy presentation filled with strategies and techniques attendees can immediately apply to improve their skills.