Change: Organizational and Cultural Change

Change: Organizational and Cultural Change

So often leaders within an organization see challenges and problems before them, endemic in the culture of the organization, or have hidden visions and hopes for the culture and desperately want to make the move from good to great, but don‟t know how to accomplish it. So they conduct training sessions for employees about team building or relationship building which seem to fix the problem temporarily but not address underlying issues. Or they conduct problem-solving strategy meetings which address mid-level issues but only develop mid-level remedies. They fail to shift the culture.

This intensive program begins by using our trademarked O.D.D. Survey which allows you to conduct and develop an organization diagnostic design for your organization. It is a comprehensive survey given to a sampling of people at all levels within the organization to ensure that you receive balanced, honest feedback. We then help you shift the culture by inverting the traditional problem-solving process. Most consulting organizations use one version or another of a Maslow Hierarchy model in which they address immediate, surface level challenges. We invert that process knowing that employee and customer needs will be met most fully and efficiently by beginning with a mission-critical vision, values integration and leadership paradigm shift.

Outcomes of this intensive process are the following:

  • Development of a firm FOUNDATION for success at all levels, inside and out
  • Development of a ROAD MAP to success in each of the above-mentioned targeted areas
  • Development of solid, trusting RELATIONSHIPS among leaders and between leadership and all personnel within the organization
  • Development of real, lasting SOLUTIONS to perennial issues

Time Frame:
4 days

Group Size:

open to all

Format:interactive & experiential utilizing large group activities, small group dialogues, and didactic lessons designed to guide the participants in their 360 assessment of their organization‟s culture and climate, as well as their vision for the future. The working group(s) will review diagnostic results from a system-wide survey, integrate them with their own visions, align it all with the mission and values of the organization, and consider the internal leadership and process paradigms that may have to shift so that the organization is transformed into the desired state.

Client pre-requisites:
teleconference or meeting to assess future visions.


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