Business Ethics (BE)

Business Ethics (BE)

WhatIs BE?

Business Ethics (BE) is a half-day or full day workshop designed to assist leaders and employees in developing and understanding a framework with which to make ethical decisions.  Used in conjunction with the company policy statements and guidelines, these personal frameworks form the foundation of ethical business decision making.

WhoShould Attend BE?

BE is recommended for every company leader and employee whose ethical behavior is critical to the long-term interests of the organization.

TopicAreas Covered in BE

  • Recognizing Ethical Dilemmas
  • Classic Ethical Models
  • Applied Ethics
  • Criteria for Ethical Decision Making
  • The Ethical Compass

WhatAre the Outcomes of BE?

At the conclusion of BE, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Become acquainted with the principles of business ethics
  • Recognize how personal and company ethics affect decision making
  • Resolve conflicts between personal ethical preferences and company codes
  • Recognize the potential barriers to making ethical decisions
  • Be able to protect the reputation and long-term interests of the company that employs them
  • Be able to spot and resolve ethical problems before they become legal problems

How Is BE Conducted?

BE is an interactive workshop in which participants are introduced to the key principles of business ethics through presentation, group discussion, case studies, experiential exercises, and small group activities.  

Additionally, the proposed content can be customized to help participants resolve the particular ethical challenges of their company.


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